Yellowhead Community Services provides a wide variety of programs and services to families, children and youth from pre-birth to youth up to 18 years of age. Our Licensed Child Care Programs, many of which are now $10 a day sites, provide childcare from 8am-5pm Monday to Friday. Afterschool Programs provide care from 2:30 pm-5:30 pm during the school year, with extended hours for Professional Development Days and planned early school closures.
Our Early Years Drop-In Programs are open to anyone in the community with young children and provides an opportunity to socialize, strengthen attachments, make connections and engage in fun activities at various locations in the communities we serve. There is no cost to participate. All of our other programs and services are free and can be accessed can be accessed through referrals that can be made in one of three ways: Through the Ministry of Children & Families, Community Partners or Self-referrals from parents and/or youth. Programming typically takes place Monday to Friday from 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Special events and classes may take place on the occasional weekend and/or outside of normal business hours. Please click the links, to the right, for further details about our programs and services.
Phone: 250 674-2600 Fax: 250 674-2676
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm